Ancient majolica from Bacchereto

via Santa maria Assunta, 6


Detached section of the Archaeological Museum of Artimino “F. Nicosia ' Complex of S. Maria Assunta - Bacchereto.


The exhibition also collects an example of the abundant 'biscuits' recovered in the excavation of the landfill: pottery subjected to the first firing, which was later defective and therefore discarded. A table is set with faithful reproductions of majolica. The complex of S. Maria Assunta which houses the exhibition represents the heart of the ancient village. The careful restoration work and the archaeological historical investigation have allowed us to read broad glimpses of the history of the ancient 'Castle' dating back to the early twelfth century (the walls, the door, the road and the tower) in the walls brought to light. and those of a pre-existing church building.


Hourly visits:

Saturday and Sunday 16.00-19.00

Opening and visits by appointment cell. 339 5970050

Free admission
