Quinto Martini Museum Park

Parco Museo

The Quinto Martini Park-Museum, inaugurated in 1988, up from its conception wanted to be a melting point between art and territory, as intense as the physical exhibition space, yet functional interaction between individuals.The park, surrounded by the hills of Montalbano, hosts 36 works (sculptures and carvings in the round) in cast bronze, made ​​by the artist - between 1931 and 1987. The works trace the evolution of artistic art Quinto Martini initiation occurred through his friendship with Soffici, experimentation of the artistic languages ​​of the twentieth century, Italian and French. The recurring themes are related to the family and the earth (Ritorno dai campi, Padre e figlio,L’oste, Primavera, Ragazza col sacco).

Sito dedicato all'Artista
